Hilton Head Island
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The Town of Hilton Head Island is hosting meetings to gather public feedback and share information about its Districts Area Planning Project. The information will help create plans for areas of the island that are not part of the 11 largest master planned communities (Hilton Head Plantation, Palmetto Hall, Port Royal, Indigo Run, Spanish Wells, Wexford, Long Cove Club, Palmetto Dunes, Leamington, Shipyard, and Sea Pines).
The project is organized into eight planning districts across the island, each defined by unique land uses, neighborhood characteristics, accessibility, and geography. District planning aims to enhance livability and recreational opportunities, foster economic vitality, preserve the district's cultural heritage, improve infrastructure, support thoughtful growth, and establish a strong sense of identity and belonging in these areas.
Planning for Our Future
2023 -2025
2020 to 2040 Comprehensive Plan